Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Obsequious Obsession

love's newest form is heart and head, head and heart

and you are in my heart of hearts

love's new color is a rainbow of power and pleasure of reds, roses, magentas, violets and oranges

and you are the yellow sun, god of gods

love's sweetness is your middle name and your firmness is my craving like candy for child, like pillow for weary

love is different and filling and unique and many strange things that are unfamiliar

this unfamiliarity is welcome in my soul, and your soul beckons to me as well, welcoming

we are becoming like babes struggling to birth

and my self, woman, is moth to flame, engulfed in you, man

mere words lack in color, making it an impossibility to paint the picture of my love for you

just know it is torture to masochist me, loving the torture of your love, tortured more even by your distance

this poem is crazy discombobulated

desiring you, finally, my self resigns to the blindness of sleep

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