Thursday, July 10, 2008


Loving my Daka Man through every ebb and flow....

Remembering our beginnings, not so long ago....

Remembering the present which is sweet and delicious like kiwi strawberry with a dash of cinnamon and sweetened with agave....


Remembering the soft roll of your lips against the hard pearl of my womanhood, teasing and pulling me to delightful rage...

The sweet taste of your reluctant orgasms inside my mouth gliding along my tongue...

The droplets of your essence sprinkled on my taste buds like the nutrient richness of volvic sea salt sprinkled on the tartness of a firm green apple...

Your body is my orchard, ready for me to roam and delight in every nook and cranny, devouring your treasures to my heart's desire...

The billowing of gray clouds above is not the destruction of a hurricane but rather the earth-drenching rain of the healing waters of your love...

Your lightning rod and the roll of your thunder shattering my earth nourishes what were once the dry weeds of my existence...

Where ground was once scorched, now full with lush growth...

Gentle pounding of pelvis against pelvis is mutual delight...

My thighs encircle your waist in fearful surrender...

Opening of my body signaling that I OSUN am eternally yours...

Pouring forth of my powerful orgasm alongside the dainty sounds of lady-love pushing you harder and higher into the power of you - SANGO...

One moment of disconnection until I am rolled over onto my belly, cheeks high and spread wide...

The maelstrom of your love reentering the wet darkness of the sacred temple of the moon, its corridors narrow and firm...

The heat of your breath and the tickle of your cheek against my neck fills me with the passionate desire to mesh and meld with you completely...

In an instant the explosive tickle of one final and mutual orgasm allows the bright sun to break through the rolling clouds...

Rolling onto our sides we rest in greener, now watered pastures...

Spent, our eyes drift into the satiated lullaby of breathy sleep...

New womb for new twins, locked within a sac of togetherness...

We, breath in sync, have merged...

I pray you accept this blessing with gratitude...

I am grateful to have been so blessed with the power of you...

Assimilating you into the essence of my being...

You ARE my Afrakan healing love...

Always your Dakini Woman